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Firearm Safety Training Info

The Kimball Rod and Gun Club sponsors several area clubs firearm safety training field days. Please read the information below for area Classes and contact info. 

Kimball - Class is held in mid February each year. Sign up typically the first week in February. Watch our calendar page for date of sign up. Contact Mike Erpelding, 320-248-9907.

South Haven Sportsman Club - Hold two classes each year. Field days are typically held at the Kimball Rod and Gun Club in May and September. Classes are held a few weeks before. Contact Randy Callander, 320-828-2103.

Rockville Sportsman Club - Field day is held at the Kimball Rod and Gun Club in late September. Classes held a few weeks before. Contact Brian Mick, 320-217-3428.


If you are over the age of 18 and have completed the online firearm safety portion, please contact on of our instructors. Many organizations won't let under 18 year old's take the online portion and do a field day with them.

Contact the MN DNR for a list of field days that will support online class participants. 


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